So the newest updates to our adoption:
1. We have a meeting with the social workers. The homestudy is basically finished. We have an appointment on Tuesday at which time we get to read our life stories and fork over antoher $900. Honestly, now we're getting somewhere. This step took longer than I had anticipated. We've had the money saved up so this won't be a financial burden yet. That headache is yet to come.
2. After much talk and research, Gabriel and I finally bought a vehicle for me that could accommodate all three of our sons (and our dog). I sadly turned the keys to my Element over to my friend, Chip. (He is the man responsible for me getting an awesome Honda Pilot. Thanks, Chip. By the way: Chip works over at Auction Direct. Let me know if you want an attentive car salesman.) I spent 2 1/2 happy years with my Honda Element, cruising along, breaking the speed limit on a regular basis with my manual transmission. I was truly attached to that car. I was just expressing to Gabe how often I get attached to my cars. I'm often sad to see them go (except for the white mini-van - I never looked back from that sale). But how quickly my affections redirect. I love my Jet Black 2007 Honda Pilot. Such a great, solid, luxurious vehicle.
So that's it for now. The next step will likely be applying for grants to help up pay for the next big step. $9,000. It's all getting real now. :)
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