Thursday, November 25, 2010

still waiting

So we're still playing the waiting game. Our Homestudy has been sent on to Holt. They will review (and approve) it, and then we move on to the Dossier. We've already begun gathering things for the Dossier. I just got my passport taken care of yesterday, so that makes me happy.

We are having another fundraiser. Another Cookie Lee jewelry party on December 7th. So please come and support our adoption as you purchase gifts for your loved ones.

And today is Thanksgiving. We are so happy to be opening our house and our hearts to another child. I'm thankful for my husband, my children and my awesome extended family. Next year there will be 5 Sloanes coming for Thanksgiving dinner. Be forewarned. :) I'm also Thankful for my church family, my friends and my neighbors. I truly feel that we are a happy family because of the people around us. Thank you all for your support.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

One small step for Sloanes...

Another step for adoption!

So we just sent back our homestudy. From what I understand, it now gets sent on to the Adoption Agency (Holt). Then they approve it, we sign it, fork over $900 and move on to the dossier.

The dossier... so daunting. I haven't even begun climbing THAT mountain. But my awesome friend, Marissa, has volunteered to meet with me and help me start climbing the mountain. She's also adopting from Ethiopia. How blessed I am to have her on my same path. She inspires me & helps keep me on the path.

Christian's birthday is next week. We didn't get a chance to create cute invites. Second year in a row we missed doing that. But we have two great parties planned for him. Plus I'm taking his birthday off from work so that I can hang with him and Elijah. It's gonna be a great day.

Looking forward to the next step in the process. Should be quite a ride. Now the fun really starts.