Tuesday, May 4, 2010

We've Only Just Begun...

So today we met with our Hillside Adoption Agency social worker. She seems really nice. But now the real work begins. I can't believe how much there is to do already.
  • We need to schedule 9 hours of parenting classes... yes, I know we're parents already, but there are many issues we'll face when we bring this child home.
  • We each need to write an autobiography. Of course, I think this sounds fun.
  • We also need to each fill out a multiple-page questionnaire, and there's even a little one for Elijah to fill out.
  • Fingerprints
  • Complete physical
  • $900 for the home visit (that's the 1st half).
I know. Crazy! There's more once we get our welcome packet from Holt International!

1 comment:

  1. YAYAYAYYYY I am so excited for you!!!!!! :) I can't wait to meet your boy! ;)
